Membership Dues

Each year, members pay dues to the International and District Level of CKI for continued growth and development of CKI and its resources. The dues structure has changed starting for the 2022-23 School Year to promote increased accessibility for members and clubs through lowering membership costs.

International Dues: $24

Each member pays $24 in dues that go to the International level of CKI. These dues help support resources and events hosted on the International Level for membership development. For example, this helps support the growing CKI Alumni Network and scholarships offered by CKI

District Dues: $6

Each member pays $6 in dues that go the New England CKI District. These dues are used for District events, resources, and opportunities for the development of our District. For example, these help support District fellowship events, service project opportunities, and leadership tools for members.


Deadlines for Dues

  • October 1st: Dues system opens on the Membership Update Center.

  • November 1st: Early Bird Dues deadline.

    • Clubs who pay dues by this date can earn a prize!

  • December 1st: Regular Dues deadline.

    • All clubs must pay their membership dues by this date before clubs become inactive or suspended.


Ways to help pay for dues

  • Reach out to your sponsoring Kiwanis club and/or local Kiwanis organization.

  • Reach out to your student government.

  • Host fundraisers on campus (such as hosting Bingo fundraisers and/or selling donuts, baked goods, or stickers)