What is Circle K International?

  • Circle K International [CKI] is the world's largest collegiate organization dedicated to service and leadership

  • An organization that encourages college students to find a means of responsible student action in their communities and to become actively involved in the life of their campuses

  • Over 500 clubs in 15 different nations

  • CKI provides a unique opportunity to make a difference not only in one's community and beyond, but also within one's personal life

CKI World Map.jpg

I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of humanity’s potential.
— Circle K International Pledge


  • In 1936, CKI was instituted as a fraternity at Washington State University by the Kiwanis Club of Pullman, Washington

  • The idea started with Jay N. Emerson, who was later elected Kiwanis International President. His interest led to the building of the first CKI club in 1947 at Carthage College, Illinois

  • In 1949, two more clubs were organized, including one in Canada, making CKI truly “International”

  • In 1956, a special department was created in the Kiwanis International Office to serve as the International Headquarters for CKI


  • Circle K International is college and university students who are responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to community service worldwide

  • Circle K International inspires people to better our world

  • Our motto is "Live to Serve, Love to Serve"


  • Above all else, Circle K International is a service organization whose members are dedicated to improving their schools and communities

  • Virtually any unanswered need is a potential opportunity for CKI’s commitment and dedication

  • The Circle K International Service Initiative, Focusing on the Future: Children, was designed to involve all CKI members in projects that address the problems and issues that face children worldwide, ages 6-13

  • Through personal interaction and public awareness, CKI members are enabling children to develop the skills and ideals necessary to be successful



New England District

Explore the New England District of Circle K International!


Help us reach our 2023-2024 District Goals!


Photo Gallery

DCON 2023

fallcon 2022

DCON 2022

fallcon 2021

FallCON 2020



The Kiwanis Family

One of the most unique aspects of Circle K International is the fact that we are part of the Kiwanis Family. The Kiwanis Family is made up of different "branches" of servant leaders ranging from elementary school and up. Check out the branches below and learn more about what it means to be part of an International organization with and an International Family!


Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children.

Does your Kiwanis Club want to support Circle K International through our year-long sponsorship program? Consider donating to the New England District of Circle K International today!

Click here for our New England District of Circle K International Sponsorship Form.


 Key Club is an international, student-led organization for high school students that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.


Key Club has an alumni network to stay connected with peers and current Key Club members!

To learn more about the Key Club International Alumni, go here.


 Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 12,000 members worldwide.


 Builders Club is the largest service organization for middle school and junior high students. Members learn to work together and develop servant-leaders skills as they serve their school and community. In partnership with UNICEF and March of Dimes, the clubs are able to expand their outreach to babies and children of the world.


 K-Kids is the largest service organization for elementary school students, with more than 36,000 members worldwide.



New England District of Circle K International

Club Listing

Check out the listing of New England District Circle K clubs and their contact information below! 

Chartered Clubs

salve regina university

sponsored by newport kiwanis

[chartered 1994]

President: Moira Tirrell


university of connecticut

sponsored by west hartford kiwanis

[charterED 2021]

President: Rebecca Andersen


university of MAINE Orono

sponsored by Orono/Old Town Kiwanis

[Chartered 2022]

President: Jasper Makowski


University of Massachusetts Amherst

[Chartered 2023]

President: Katie Huang


University of New Hampshire

Sponsored by seacoast kiwanis

[Chartered 1994]

President: Serena O’Connell


wentworth institute of technology

sponsored by Greater boston young professionals kiwanis


Westfield State University

Sponsored by Westfield Kiwanis

[Chartered 1971]

President: Amber Tucker


Boston College

Sponsored by Allston-Brighton Kiwanis

[Chartered 2017]

Presidents: Ana Campanico/Emily Gittle


Boston University

Sponsored by Somerville Kiwanis & Greater Boston Young Professionals

[Chartered 2013]

President: Jared Chou


E-CLub of New England

Sponsored by Kiwanis e-club

[Chartered 2023]

President: Jonathan Huang


mount holyoke college

sponsored by northhampton kiwanis

[chartered 2020]

President: Darcy Coleman


Northeastern University

Sponsored by medford Kiwanis

[Chartered 1995]

President: Karma Vijay


Central Maine Community college

sponsored by Lewiston-auburn Kiwanis

[chartered 2023]